Friday, July 17, 2020

Good morning Year 3! 

It is the last day of the school year and your last day as a Year 3. What a year it has been! Thank you for a wonderful year, we are so proud of you all. It has been a funny year with our normal schooling disrupted but you carried on, you continued to work hard and learn at home. You are all incredible! 

I hope you have a lovely summer holiday. Have lots of fun, relax and enjoy! We will see you in September ready for Year 4. 

Keep shining bright, you are ALL super stars!

Miss Kingscote and Mrs Miller 

Monday, July 13, 2020

Good morning Year 3!

I hope you’ve had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the sunshine.

We are looking forward to seeing many of you in school tomorrow. I hope you’re excited to come back to school! For those of you who are still at home, I won’t be posting daily with activities. I will post a selection of website and activities you can access below. You can choose which activities you want to complete throughout the week. Please continue to send in your work so we can see all of the fantastic things you are doing.

username: christtheking3               password: homelearning

Have a great week,

Miss Kingscote

Friday, July 10, 2020

Good morning Year 3! 

Today is our final day of home learning. Next week we are looking forward to welcoming lots of you back into school. For those staying at home, I will post a range of activities that you can access throughout next week.

Here are your activities for today:


Today we are going to write our information text about unicorns. Reread the text on page 6. We are going to use the planning grid from yesterday's lesson. Use pages 23 and 24 to help you today.


Time: lesson 5- to use duration to find a start and finish time.


Read the story 'The Crab and the Lantern Fish'. This was one of the winners this year. Can you summarise what the story was about? Why do you think this was selected as a winner?


We are going to create some Kandinsky art. Click on the link below to follow the steps. You can use different household objects to draw around to create your shapes.

Remember to get in touch and send in your photos to 

I hope you have a lovely day,

Miss Kingscote

Today's reflection:

A great day to end our home learning. Thank you for the brilliant effort you have put into your home learning over the last 3 months. It's not been easy to adapt but you have all done an amazing job. We are so proud of you! 

Awele's wonderful work.

Harley's brilliant work.

Fidel has been working hard at home.


Calvin has been working hard.

Well done to Bernice.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Good morning Year 3! 

Here are your activities for today:


Today we are going to plan our writing about unicorns. Reread the text on page 6. We are going to be planning an information text like the one you have just read. Use the planning grid on page 22 to help you.


Time: lesson 4- tell the time to 1 minute intervals on an analogue clock (to the hour).


Read a non-fiction book from Oxford Owl. We are going to be writing a book review. Remember that a book review is your chance to explain why you liked or didn't like the book you read. 

Things to include in your book review:
Title of book
How many stars would you give it out of 5? 
What was the book about?
Who were the characters?
Who would like reading this book? 
Would you recommend it?
Book illustration


Choose a GoNoodle dance to join in with. Which is your favourite? I still love the 'banana, banana, meatball' routine.

Remember to get in touch and send in your photos to 

I hope you have a lovely day,

Miss Kingscote

Today's reflection 

Great work today. Well done! 

Harley has been busy baking at home. Fantastic!

Awele's brilliant work.

Fidel's wonderful work.

Bernice has worked so hard.

Calvin's fantastic work!

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Good morning Year 3! 

I hope you had a nice evening and you slept well. How are you today?

Remember we have a zoom meeting at 9.30 today. Mrs Miller and I hope to see lots of you there. This will be our last zoom meeting.

Meeting ID: 870 3590 8416     
Password: 2yck1y

Here are your activities for today:


Read the magic potion recipe on page 16. We are going to be writing our own magical potion. Use the ideas on page 17 to help you.


Time: lesson 3- tell the time to 1 minute intervals on an analogue clock (past the hour).


Read a non-fiction book from Oxford Owl. If you haven't yet chosen 3 new books, do that today (look back at Monday's reading task). 

Questions to answer:
How do you know that book is non-fiction?
What does the front cover tell you?
What have you learnt from reading this book?


Today we are going to learn about our digestive system and our teeth. Click on the link below to learn all about our body.

Remember to get in touch and send in your photos to 

Have a lovely day,

Miss Kingscote

Today's reflection

It was lovely to see so many of you on zoom earlier. Thank you to Freya and Aaliyah for being fantastic quiz hosts! I hope you haven't got too soggy in the rain today.

Harley's worked hard today 

Fidel continues to be a star!

Awele's work in fantastic!

Bernice's work is brilliant!

Calvin has been working hard.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Good morning Year 3! 

I hope you had a nice evening and you slept well. How are you today?

Here are your activities for today:


Reread our new text 'The River Unicorn' on page 6. Complete the activities on pages 7 and 8. You are matching the unfamiliar words with their definition and putting them into sentences.


Time: lesson 2- tell the time to 5 minute intervals on an analogue clock.


Read a fiction book from Oxford Owl. If you haven't yet chosen 3 new books, do that today (look back at yesterday's reading task). We are going to be writing a book review. Remember that a book review is your chance to explain why you liked or didn't like the book you read. 

Things to include in your book review:
Title of book
How many stars would you give it out of 5? 
What was the book about?
Who were the characters?
Who would like reading this book? 
Would you recommend it?
Book illustration


Complete the Spanish lesson below. Today we are looking at family and pets.

Remember to get in touch and send in your photos to 

Have a lovely day,

Miss Kingscote

Today's reflection 

Well done to those who continue to work hard at home. You are a credit to yourself! We are looking forward to welcoming lots of you back for the final week of term next week. I hope you're excited! Tomorrow at 9.30am, we will have one final zoom meeting. Mrs Miller and I hope to see lots of you there.

Meeting ID: 870 3590 8416     
Password: 2yck1y

Fidel's brilliant work. 

Harley has been working so hard. Well done!