Here are your activities for today:
Today we are going to plan our writing about unicorns. Reread the text on page 6. We are going to be planning an information text like the one you have just read. Use the planning grid on page 22 to help you.
Time: lesson 4- tell the time to 1 minute intervals on an analogue clock (to the hour).
Read a non-fiction book from Oxford Owl. We are going to be writing a book review. Remember that a book review is your chance to explain why you liked or didn't like the book you read.
Things to include in your book review:
Title of book
How many stars would you give it out of 5?
What was the book about?
Who were the characters?
Who would like reading this book?
Would you recommend it?
Book illustration
Choose a GoNoodle dance to join in with. Which is your favourite? I still love the 'banana, banana, meatball' routine.
Remember to get in touch and send in your photos to
I hope you have a lovely day,
Have a fab day, looking forward to seeing your wonderful work. 😊