I hope you had a nice evening and you slept well. How are you today?
Remember we have a zoom meeting at 9.30 today. Mrs Miller and I hope to see lots of you there. This will be our last zoom meeting.
Meeting ID: 870 3590 8416
Password: 2yck1y
Here are your activities for today:
Read the magic potion recipe on page 16. We are going to be writing our own magical potion. Use the ideas on page 17 to help you.
Time: lesson 3- tell the time to 1 minute intervals on an analogue clock (past the hour).
Read a non-fiction book from Oxford Owl. If you haven't yet chosen 3 new books, do that today (look back at Monday's reading task).
Questions to answer:
How do you know that book is non-fiction?
What does the front cover tell you?
What have you learnt from reading this book?
Today we are going to learn about our digestive system and our teeth. Click on the link below to learn all about our body.
Remember to get in touch and send in your photos to year.3@ctk.education
Have a lovely day,
Miss Kingscote
Today's reflection
It was lovely to see so many of you on zoom earlier. Thank you to Freya and Aaliyah for being fantastic quiz hosts! I hope you haven't got too soggy in the rain today.
Harley's worked hard today

Fidel continues to be a star!

Awele's work in fantastic!

Bernice's work is brilliant!

Calvin has been working hard.

Looking forward to seeing you all at 9.30 for our last zoom meeting.
ReplyDeleteHope you are all okay, after the zoom meeting I’m going to go out with Alice and have a coffee sat outside ( hopefully if it doesn’t rain)