Friday, March 27, 2020

Good morning Year 3!

Happy Friday! I hope you're all safe and well. 

Here are your 3 tasks for today:

1. Your first task is to please comment below in the comments section with your name when you have seen this post. If you don’t comment we do not know that you are completing the activities. It’s important for us to check you are ok and to see if you need any help. I am missing you all very much, it would be so lovely to hear from you. 

If for any reason it's not letting you comment (a few have said this), email with your name instead.

2. Look out the window, draw or paint what you can see.

Focusing on your senses write a descriptive paragraph about what is happening outside your window. If you prefer, you can imagine what you would like to see out your window.
For example: When I look out my window I can see the rough sea splashing against the jagged rocks and feel the warm sand beneath my feet. I can hear the birds chirping above me and smell the sweet smell of delicious ice cream. 

-what can you see?
-what can you hear?
-what can you touch?
-what can you smell?

3.  1 minute challenges:

In 1 minute I can…
Write my name ______ times
Starting in 1’s and going up in 1’s, what’s the biggest number you can get to? ________
Do _______ star jumps
Hop on 1 leg ______ times
Put ______ beads in a jar
Jump on the spot _____ times
Draw ______ houses

Try to listen to one of David Walliam’s free audio books. He releases a new one at 11am each day. Choose one to enjoy. You could sit and enjoy listening in the sunshine.

Complete page 8 in your work packs. Don’t forget to read your book every day.

If you haven't had time to complete any of the previous days tasks you can complete them in your own time. 

Have a great day! I look forward to seeing what you've been doing today 

Miss Kingscote

Today's Reflection
  • Fantastic work today from lots of you, really interesting writing and lovely photos sent through.
  • A lovely video of Harley making scones- very impressive!
  • Lots of you still aren't getting in touch, please email or comment so we know how you are. 
  • Lots of children using their time to be creative which is brilliant to see. It's a good time to learn a new skill.
  • Enjoy your weekend, have lots of fun! 
Here are some photos of the brilliant work that's been happening today:
Lovely writing by Angelos.
Brilliant den building from Anta. Looks very cosy.
Hope you didn't get wet reading in the shower, Anta!
Brilliant illustration and story from Harley.
An interesting 'welter' drawing by Maisie.
Lovely joined handwriting from Maisie.

A fab book review from Ralphie.
Ralphie's finished rocket! Very impressive.

Interesting writing from Awele.


  1. Happy Friday Year 3.
    It’s fish finger Friday, I am going to have fish fingers and chips for my tea tonight. I wonder if any of you will have the same, let me know if you do.
    Enjoy the sunshine and keep up the great work
    Mrs Miller

    1. Morning Mrs Miller I am having fish fingers curly fries and peas for my tea love Harley xx

    2. Sounds brilliant! I'm jealous- I love curly fries

    3. Enjoy your fish fingers , curly fries and peas.
      Mrs Miller

  2. is it only page 8 today Freya.

  3. Good morning miss kingscoat it is Harley I have just done p.e. with joe.

    1. Fantastic Harley! Me too, I hope you had fun

  4. Good morning Miss Kingscote.I am Angelos. I am ok, and I miss you a lot.

  5. Hi Angelos. Nice to hear from you, missing you very much. I hope you are having lots of fun at home with mum, dad and your sister.

    See you very soon

    Miss Kingscote

  6. Hi miss kingcote and mrs Miller it’s ayla

    1. Hi Ayla, lovely to hear from you. Hope you're having fun at home!

    2. Hi Ayla how are you? Are you enjoying the sunshine?
      Mrs Miller
