Monday, March 30, 2020

Good morning Year 3!

I hope you had a lovely weekend with your family. I am looking forward to another week of home learning and seeing all of the brilliant things you're getting up to.

Your 3 tasks for today:

Start your Monday with Joe Wick's P.E on YouTube. Enjoy!

1. Find out at least 6 facts about the Romans using the website below. You can search in the search bar at the top.

Create a Roman quiz for your family using the answers you have just researched. 
For example
Question 1: What was a Roman townhouse called?
A- a colosseum 
B- a domus
C- a villa

B is the correct answer.

2. Design a healthy meal for your family using the ingredients you have at home. Remember to use the Eat Well Plate to ensure your meal is balanced. 

It would brilliant if you could help to prepare and cook that meal. Send in photos of your healthy meals and explain why you chose those ingredients. If you aren't able to make it, draw what your plate would look like or make it out of play dough. 

3. It's nice to stay in touch with our friends and family at the moment. As we aren't able to see everyone it would be nice to write a letter to a loved one to tell them what you've been doing and how you are feeling. 

Choose someone to write to (a friend at school or a family member you haven't seen in a while) 
What to include:

  • what you've been doing 
  • what you've enjoyed
  • how you're feeling
  • something you are looking forward to doing with them next time you see them 
  • Remember to sign off with your name when you've finished your letter
  • Illustrate your letter with a picture at the end

Read your school book to an adult and challenge yourself on TT Rockstars. Complete pages 9 and 10 for your maths today (remember difference = take away) and page 37 for reading comprehension (in your work packs). 

Please don't forget to comment below to tell me how you are and email with any photos of what you've been doing today. I look forward to seeing your fantastic work!

Have a great day,

Miss Kingscote

Today's Reflection
  • Brilliant work today, lovely letter writing and imaginative healthy meals. 
  • Well done to Freya for writing her own story book and creating a solar system mobile alongside all of her set activities. You are our star of the day!
  • A big well done to Declan for making his own mosaic today, fantastic!
  • Harley has gone above and beyond today and made his own Roman word search using our topic vocabulary- amazing!

Here are some photos of the brilliant work that's been happening today:

Fantastic work from Angelos today, a lovely letter and a wonderful healthy home cooked meal!

Tiagan practising her times tables.

Lovely writing and illustrations from Awele.

Brilliant work from Declan today! 

Harley's healthy roast dinner. Harley used the Eat Well Plate to plan his meal.
Harley made his own Roman word search using our topic vocabulary. Very impressive!

A small sample of some of Freya's wonderful work. 
Bernice's challenging obstacle course.

Ralphie's balanced and delicious meal.

Ayla's lovely writing.

Maisie's thoughtful letter to Mrs Miller.


  1. Replies
    1. Good morning! I hope you've had a lovely weekend

  2. Morning miss Kingscoat Harley ��

  3. Morning Year 3. I hope you are all okay.
    I’ve been shopping this morning to get some food for my mum, and then I took it over to her house and left it in the garage for her.
    Mrs Miller

  4. Good morning mrs miller, des'arais mum here how can I upload des'arais work and tasks please I cannot seem to find how ?

    1. Good afternoon! Lovely to hear from you. Please send Des'Arai's work to

      We look forward to seeing the lovely work Des'Arai has been doing!

  5. Hello everyone it’s Ayla

    1. Hello Ayla! I hope you are well. I look forward to seeing your work today.

  6. Wow !!what fantastic work from you all today. Angelos your dinner looks delicious and what lovely writing.
    Freya you have been busy, thank you for the letter you sent Miss Kingscote and I.
    Declan, Ralphie and Harley I think I will have to come round for tea one evening, your plates of food look fab.
    Well done Tiagan practicing your times tables, you will be do good at them by the time we get back to school.
    Ayla and Awele your writing is very neat and I enjoyed reading it.
    Bernice what a great obstacle course.
    Maisie thank you for my lovely letter, it cheered me up.
    Keep up the great work, and remember to have fun as well.
    Mrs Miller
