Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Good morning Year 3!

It's another lovely sunny day today. I hope you get chance to enjoy the sunshine outside. You could go for a bike ride or take your dog out for a walk.

Wake yourself up with Joe this morning on YouTube (I've been doing these every day too) or have a dance with GoNoodle.

Here are your 3 tasks for today:

1.    Watch this horrible history clip about Roman food. 

Pretend you are the Roman Emperor having people round for dinner. Create a disgusting 3 course Roman banquet menu using the ideas from this clip. Illustrate the menu with your gruesome pictures.  

You will need:
- a starter
- a main course
- a dessert

I will be looking to see who's menu is the most revolting

2. During this strange time there are lots of things we wish we could do, places we would like to go and people we would love to see. Every time we think of anything we wish we could do, we’re going to write it down on a post it note and put it in a jar. By doing this, we are creating a wish jar.

In our jar are all the things we will look forward to when we are able to go back to school and see our friends. We can go through our jars when we are back to normal and make sure we do all the things we wished we could. We can remind ourselves of all the exciting things we have to be thankful for when we are back to normal. 

You can decorate and design your jar. I would love to see pictures of your beautifully decorated wish jars.

3. He could hear a rustling noise coming from nearby. Toby realised he wasn’t the only creature that lived in the forest…

 Start with the sentences above. What happens next? 
  • How does Toby feel?
  • Describe the forest using interesting adjectives 
  • What other creatures are there with him?
  • Can you use a simile to describe the other creatures?
Challenge: Try to include speech (remember your inverted commas and interesting synonyms for said) 

Complete pages 11 and 32 (remember prepositions tell you where something is e.g. under, beneath) in your work packs and challenge yourself of TT rock stars. 

I look forward to seeing your fantastic work today. Remember to comment below and send photos to year.3@ctk.education

Who will be our star of the day? 

Have a great day,

Miss Kingscote

Today's reflection:

Harley is our star of the day! Harley has completed all of his activities, designed a lovely wish jar and used real money to work out his change. He has not only planned his rotten Roman menu but he has made it too! Harley is pictured below with his gruesome banquet. Look at those crabs! WELL DONE HARLEY.

  • Another lovely success to celebrate comes from Ralphie. Yesterday he wrote his great nan a letter to tell her all the things he had been doing and delivered it to her door. Ralphie then taught her to email so she could reply to him. She was able to reply to his letter by email allowing them to stay in touch. So lovely! Thank you for sharing Ralphie.
  • Yet another day of fantastic work shared today. Lovely to see your wish jars, it'll be nice to look back on these when we go back to school. 
  • Don't forget, if you don't have time to complete all your tasks on that day, you can catch up anytime you like. 
  • Keep it up year 3, you are all amazing! Proud of you all. 
Below are some photos from today:
Angelos made a rotten Roman banquet!
Fantastic writing by Declan, I love your similes! 

Another revolting Roman menu shared by Maisie- yuk! 
More brilliant joined writing from Maisie.
Benji has been learning about the Romans with a focus on fossils and artefacts.
Awele's thoughtful letter! 


  1. Morning miss Kingscoat 😀😀😀

  2. good morning miss kingscoat freya

  3. Good morning! I'm looking forward to seeing your revolting menu and your wish jar today. I hope you enjoy making them.

  4. Goof morning Year 3 - Lots of comments already! Well done everybody - Mr Condon

  5. Hi everyone. Hope you are having fun at home. I’ve been out for a walk again this morning, it was a little bit chilly but the sun was shining.
    Today I’m going to do some work for Mrs Jordan then I’m going to play on Animal Crossings which Alice has bought, she says it’s brilliant, I will let you know how I get on.
    Mrs Miller

  6. Hello! Just checking that the comments are working properly. What lovely class tasks - I wonder what gruesome dishes I might suggest for our dinner today?! :-) Mrs P

  7. Hello, Leah checking in...how are you all?

    1. Hi Leah! Lovely to hear from you. How are you?

    2. Hi Leah, I’m okay thanks, hope you are okay. I can see you are having a good time doing all the work that Miss Kingscote has set.
      Mrs Miller

  8. Cheyenne says hello good afternoon

    1. Hello Cheyenne! Nice to hear from you. How are you? How have you been getting on with your activities?

      If you could send any photos of your work to year.3@ctk.education that would be brilliant.

      I look forward to hearing from you!

      Miss Kingscote

    2. Hi Cheyenne how are you? Hope you are having a good time with mum and your brothers. Mrs Miller

  9. What lovely learning, Year 3! Miss Kingscote and Mrs Miller must be so proud.

  10. Thank you! We are very proud of everyone's fantastic work and the brilliant effort they are putting in.
