Monday, March 23, 2020

Good morning Year 3! 

I hope you've all had a lovely weekend. What have you been up to? I am missing you all very much. 

As promised I will be setting you 3 tasks every day as well as guiding you through your home learning packs. I look forward to seeing all the exciting things you've been up to. 

Here are your 3 tasks for today:

1. Every morning Joe Wicks will be posting live P.E lessons on his YouTube channel at 9 am. I will be doing these every morning and would love you to do them too. It will be a good way to get your body moving in the morning and wake ourselves up. I'll post you a sneak peak of me following Joe's work out (aren't you lucky). 

2. Edinburgh zoo are posting live webcam footage of each of their animals. Type in 'Edinburgh zoo live cam' into google. I would like you to choose an animal to observe and watch them for 10 minutes. What are they doing? When you have observed them I would like you to find out 5 facts about that animal and draw a picture to go with it. I think I would choose the panda- he's really cute. 

3. NASA needs your help! They need you to design and build a new rocket for them. Design your rocket in your books and then build it out of Lego (or any building materials you have). If you don't have Lego, use any household objects to build your rocket. When they are ready to 'blast off', take a picture of your rocket and either post them below or send me an email. I can't wait to see them! The most inventive rocket will win 50 points. Get building!

Challenge:  Can you estimate how tall your rocket is? Who's rocket will be the tallest?

As well as the 3 tasks above, I would like you to look at pages 1 and 2 in your work packs and challenge yourself on Times Table Rock Stars. Feel free to work through any of the unnumbered work in the back of your pack when you wish. 

Enjoy your day! Make sure you send me any photos of the interesting things you've been up to. 

Miss Kingscote

 An amazing rocket made by Ralphie- wow!

Great building boys


  1. Replies
    1. Fantastic! You forgot to post your name. Remember to say who you are

  2. Hi Year 3, Mrs Miller here. I hope you are all okay and I can’t wait to see pictures of your rockets. I’m going to log on to Edinburgh Zoo and see if I can find any sloths to look at.

    1. I was watching the Panda, he was very cute. I wonder what he had for his lunch?

  3. Pandas are camouflage
    Their eyes are different to bears
    They eat bamboo
    Bamboo is their critical diet
    Pandas do handstands to wee
    From Harley

    1. I watched the panda, they are lovely animals and great fun to watch.

  4. Dear Year 3 - I cant wait to see what you are all up to each day. Have fun - Mr Condon

  5. It’s ralphie I was watching the penguins

    Penguins can walk faster than humans
    They communicate by body language
    They can hold there breath for 20 mins
    They swallow there food whole
    When there in love they stay in love forever

  6. Well done Harley, Benji and Ralphie. Your rockets look fantastic.
    Mrs Miller

  7. good morning miss kingcote and mrs miller yeserday me and my mummy had a pj day just talking about what is goin on in the world now, and mummys email wasnt workin , today we will work through what i missed yesterday, i miss you all so much and i want to see you all soon love from des'arai xxx

    1. Hi Des'Arai. Thanks for getting in touch. It's nice to have a pj day sometimes and catch up. I hope you enjoy working your way through the activities. Have fun and post us some photos of what you have been up to!

    2. Hi Des’Arai, hope you and mummy enjoyed your pj day yesterday, I had a pj day on Sunday.
      Hopefully see you soon.

  8. Replies
    1. We will see each other very soon! We can all stay in contact on here which will be nice. We can see all the interesting things our friends have been doing.
