Thursday, April 2, 2020

Good morning Year 3!

I hope you're all well. I'm sure you're all looking forward to the Easter holidays, just 2 days left of home school. 

Start your day with GoNoodle or Joe Wick's, it's good to get moving in the morning.

Here are your 3 activities for today:

1. We are going to create 'hand art'. It's a special type of art where you draw around your hand to create different animals. Watch the video below up to around 5 minutes 30.

Choose 2 animals to draw and have a go at them, using the video as a guide. I look forward to seeing your lovely drawings.

2. Write a story based upon this picture. Use description to create a picture in the readers head. Try to add suspense in your story.

Start your story with: 
Suddenly, everything changed...

Things to include:
Where is the story set?
Who is the person sat down?
What is happening?
How do they feel?
What's going to happen next?

3. Find objects around your house or garden and take them back to your working area. Without measuring and through estimating, can you select items that you think are the following lengths? If you have a ruler, check if your estimations were correct.


Remember to read your school books today and practice your 3, 4 and 8 times tables on TT rock stars. Complete page 12 in your work packs, choose A, B or C to answer. If you usually sit on super stars for maths, I would suggest task A. 

Remember to send in photos of your work to and post a comment below so we know you have understood your tasks for today. I look forward to seeing your brilliant work. 

Who will be our star of the day?

Have a great day! 

Miss Kingscote

Today's reflection:

Angelos is our star of the day for creating some beautiful animal drawings. Angelos drew 6 different animals. Below are a few examples.

  • Brilliant work today, lovely pieces of art work, lots of great writing and column addition too.  
  • Tomorrow is the last day before the Easter holidays. I won't be setting you 3 activities a day over the holidays however I will give you a small project to keep you busy. Also, for those who would like to keep busy, you will be given a list of websites and resources that you can use tomorrow. 
  • Keep up the fantastic work! Proud of you all.
Have a look at what your friends have been doing:
Anta has been baking at home. Fantastic work!
Anta's shop with her maths calculations in the background too.
Ayla's lovely hand art.
Great effort from Benji today! 
Harley's orange jellyfish!
Declan has been working hard at home. A colourful wish jar and a lovely menu too. 
Brilliant hand art and story writing from Maisie. 

Awele's been practising her column addition and drawn a very cute giraffe!
Freya has written an interesting story about aliens and drawn a wonderful peacock.
Freya has also been making her own science experiments at home.


  1. Good morning miss Kingscoat Harley

  2. Hi Year 3 hope everyone is well and enjoying the sunshine. I’ve been working in my garden again this morning, I will take a photo of it when it’s finished so you can see what I have been doing.
    Mrs Miller

  3. Hi miss kingscote good morning . I hope you are well.

  4. Miss kingscote please tell me how to upload the pictures on blog page. Angelina Rocky.

    1. Good morning! It is so nice to hear from you. You cannot post photos on the blog. You need to email pictures of your work to and I will reply to your email. You can only post comments on the blog.

      I look forward to seeing your email!

  5. Good morning mrs Miller, I hope you are enjoying sunshine. 😊

    1. Remember to post your name so we know who you are!

    2. Hello, I am enjoying the sunshine thanks. Mrs Miller

  6. Do we have to do H T U

    1. Which question are you on?
      For page 11 in your work packs, it is asking you to do column addition. Remember to start at the ones column.
      I hope this helps.

  7. What great work today Year 3, Mrs Miller
