Thursday, April 23, 2020

Good morning Year 3!

I hope you're all well. Today is going to be a hot day so make sure you have your sun cream on and are enjoying yourself outside. 

Here are your 3 activities for today:

1. Click on the link below.

Reread the text ‘The Truth about Trolls’ from Monday on pages 4 and 5. Today we are going to be focusing on adverb starters. Adverb starters are used at the beginning of the sentence.

In addition,

These are all examples of adverb starters. They are followed by a comma.
Complete the activities on pages 10 and 11 remember to include your adverb starters at the beginning of your sentences.  
2. We are going to continue using the website below to help with some of our maths learning. Today is lesson 3 on fractions. Click on the link below.

Click on the lesson ‘to recognise, identify and describe unit fractions’ and click ‘start lesson’. Start with the quiz (this is a recap from yesterday). Click 'next activity' and watch the video. Complete the main activity discussed in the video and the quiz at the end. Write your answers in your home learning books.

Hopefully the quiz does not freeze today. If it does, do not worry, just continue with the video.

3. Today we are going to make kindness rocks (like the photos below). We are going to decorate pebbles, rocks or stones (anything you can find outside) with beautiful patterns or kind messages to bring a smile to people’s faces. You could leave your rocks outside your house to spread joy to others.

Remember to read your school level books and get your body moving with GoNoodle today. 

Well done to Bernice for being top of our TT rock star leader board. She had a shout out on our school facebook. 

Remember to say hello below or email to say good morning. It's always so lovely to hear from you. Remember to send photos of your work to and I will post these later for you to enjoy. 

Will you be our star of the day?

Have a great day,

Miss Kingscote

Today’s reflection

It has been a quieter day today, I haven’t heard from many of you. Please don’t forget to email us to let us know you are safe and well at or comment below. We love to hear from you! We miss you all very much so a little message always makes us smile.

I have spoken to lots of you on the phone today. It was so nice to hear what you’ve been up to and to talk to your adults at home about your learning.
I look forward to hearing from more of you tomorrow.
Keep up the good work!

Below are some photos of your friends:
My star of the day is Freya for completing all activities and trying her best with every piece of work. Well done!
Harley has completed some fantastic work today.
Maisie has been working hard today.

Bernice continues to work hard. Well done!
Awele has completed some super work at home. 



  1. Good morning everyone. Hope you are all okay, I’m going to sit out in the garden later on, I might even have a go at decorating some pebbles. Enjoy your day
    Mrs Miller

    1. Sounds great! Enjoy the sunshine in your garden.

  2. Good morning everyone Harley

  3. good morning miss kingscote and mis miller

    from Freya

  4. Hi Year 3! How is everyone else today? Remember to post your name.

  5. Replies
    1. Hi Cheyenne! Lovely to hear from you. How are you? How are you getting on with your work?

    2. Fantastic! Great to hear you are getting on well. We would love to see some photos of your work. We can show your friends what you've been doing.

  6. Fab work again today. Hope you have enjoyed the sunshine. Miss you all.
