Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Good morning Year 3!

Yet another sunny day for you to enjoy. What have you been doing in the sunshine? 

Get your body moving to start your day. You could try some of the activities you've done before, Joe Wicks or GoNoodle or you could try some Cosmic Kids Yoga following the link below.

Here are your 3 activities for today:

1. Today we are going to be focusing on adjectives. Remember an adjective is a describing word e.g. sharp, yellow. Click on the link below

Reread the text 'The Truth about Troll's from yesterday on pages 4 and 5. Remind yourself of the words you defined yesterday (this will help you).
You are going to be using adjectives to describe the troll. Complete the activities on pages 8 and 9.  Don’t forget your commas in a list.
2.  Use your ideas from your writing to draw your troll. You could label the features you have described in your writing. Remember to add some colour. If you are feeling very creative you could make your troll out of a toilet roll like the examples below. 
3. We are going to continue using the website below to help with some of our maths learning. Today is lesson 2 on fractions. Click on the link below.

Click on the lesson ‘to recognise parts that are equal and parts that are unequal’ and click ‘start lesson’. Start with the quiz (this is a recap from yesterday). Click 'next activity' and watch the video. Complete the main activity discussed in the video and the quiz at the end. Write your answers in your home learning books.

Finish your day with TT rockstars and listen to David Walliam's audio books. He has been reading Gangsta Granny.

Remember to comment below to say hello and let us know how you are. It's so lovely to hear from you as we miss you very much. Also, send your brilliant work to us at

Who will be our star of the day?
We look forward to hearing from you.

Have a super day,

Miss Kingscote

Today’s reflection:
Fantastic work today, I loved all your very creative trolls! I know some of you struggled with the maths quiz questions freezing today, I hope these will work tomorrow.

Below are some photos of your friends working hard at home.

Our star of the day is Maisie. Maisie has completed 6 pages of work today, has mastered her fractions work, described her troll using alliteration and drawn a detailed illustration too. Well done!
Awele has been working hard using adjectives to create detailed writing today. Fantastic joined handwriting as well as lovely topic work researching where her food came from.
Benji has been working really hard at home.

Bernice has been trying really hard with her home learning.
Fidel has been challenging himself with his maths work.

Freya's fantastic writing using adjectives and her toilet roll troll family.
Harley's brilliant toilet roll troll.

Ralphie's terrific toilet roll troll and his investigation into where his food comes from.


  1. Hi Year 3 looking forward to seeing the work you do today. Enjoy the sunshine and stay safe 🌈
    Mrs Miller

  2. Hi everyone hope you are ok have a lovely day Harley

    1. Good morning! Will you be playing in the sun today?

    2. Hi Harley, hope you are okay.

  3. good morning miss kingcote and mrs miller have a good day.

    from Freya

    1. Good morning! I hope you have a lovely day.

    2. Hi Freya how are you today? Did you stay up again to see the satellites?

    3. Yes I stayed up and I saw lots. It was fun. From Freya

  4. Hi miss kingscoat and mrs Miller

    1. Hi Ralphie. Hope you've been enjoying the sunshine and having a nice time with your family.
