Friday, April 24, 2020

I will posting a brief timetable every Friday to give you an overview of the work coming up next week. Each day there will be maths, English, reading and another activity. I will still post on the blog every morning explaining the activities in detail and to explain how to complete the task and where to find them. This is just a guide to let you know what is coming up.

Year 3 Timetable for week beginning 27th April
English core text: The Truth about Trolls

Maths link: Oak National Academy 


English: Using the text ‘The Truth about Trolls’. Describing your troll using a relative clause.
Maths: Oak National Academy home lessons. Fractions (lesson 5). To describe unit and non-unit fractions.
Reading: Read your level book in the garden or in a quiet space.
R.E: Writing a prayer or reflection to think of those who are in need.  


English: Using the text ‘The Truth about Trolls’. To write key facts about your troll using subheadings.
Maths: Oak National Academy home lessons. Fractions (lesson 6). To identify and describe non-unit fractions.
Reading: Read your level book to your favourite teddy.
ICT: Creating an animation using scratch.


English: Using the text ‘The Truth about Trolls’. Write your own information text about trolls using your subheadings from yesterday.
Maths: Oak National Academy home lessons. Fractions (lesson 7). To find non-unit fractions of a given quantity.
Reading: Read one of your non-fiction books from your book bag.  
Geography: Earth day posters.


English: BBC Bitesize lesson. Focus on verbs.
Maths: Oak National Academy home lessons. Fractions (lesson 8). Non-unit fractions recap.
Reading: Choose an audio book to listen to. Click on this link for a selection of free audible books to enjoy
P.E: Active blasts using ‘imoves’.


English: Creative writing. Writing your own adventure story using interesting verbs.
Maths: Listen to and sing along with our times table songs focusing on 3, 4 and 8 times tables.
Reading: Page 42 in your paper work packs. Complete the ‘what’s out in space?’ comprehension.
D.T: Design and create a mode of transport (boat, car or train) to help you in your adventure story.

As well as this, children should have daily practise on Timestable Rock Stars.

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