It's another sunny day today, I hope you get a chance to go outside and enjoy the sunshine.
Wake yourself up with GoNoodle today. Why not have a go at 'banana banana meatball'? I know lots of you enjoy that one.

Here are your 3 activities for today:
1. We are going to be using this text for 2 weeks to complete different writing activities. Open the link below to the booklet ‘Truth about Trolls’.
Read the ‘Truth about Trolls’ text on pages 4 and 5. Look at
the glossary on page 6 for any unfamiliar words from the text. Complete page 7. These are all words from the text. Can you
write a definition for what they all mean? Write these into your home learning

2.We are going to be using the website below to help with some
of our maths learning.
We are going to start with fractions. Click on the lesson
‘to describe the part whole relationship’ and click ‘start lesson’. Start with the quiz (this is a recap from year 2). Click 'next activity' and watch the video. Complete the main activity discussed in the video and the quiz at the end. Write
your answers in your home learning books.

3. Our topic for this term would have been ‘where does our food
come from?’
Find some food packaging in your house. Can you
find where that food product was grown or made? It will say what country it came from on the packaging.
Can you find that country on a map? Why do you think that
food was grown/made there?
For example these tomatoes were grown in Spain.
Remember to read your school level books. Could you tell someone you live with a summary of your story and explain what you think might happen next? Can you explain how the characters might be feeling and why?
Don't forget to comment below when you've understood your tasks for today and email in your fantastic work to
I look forward to seeing what you've been up to.
Have a great day!
Miss Kingscote
Today's reflection:

Bernice has also challenged herself with tricky maths, writing and topic.

Harley is continuing to work really hard at home. Well done!

Awele has produced a fantastic map based on her topic work. Brilliant!
Maisie has been tackling her fraction work and writing detailed definitions.

Declan has been practicing his handwriting and his maths.

Today's reflection:
- Great work continuing this term which is lovely to see.
- Fantastic to see children helping out at home with the cooking, cleaning or gardening. Useful skills to learn.
- Well done for watching the new maths video today, this is something new and you've all tackled it really well.
- Remember if you have any questions or worries please email and I will get back to you.
Below are some photos of your friends working hard at home.
Ayla is our star of the day for completing all the tasks set and answering the maths questions in brilliant detail with 2 pages of work. Well done Ayla, you are fabulous!

Bernice has also challenged herself with tricky maths, writing and topic.

Harley is continuing to work really hard at home. Well done!

Awele has produced a fantastic map based on her topic work. Brilliant!

Maisie has been tackling her fraction work and writing detailed definitions.

Declan has been practicing his handwriting and his maths.

Morning everyone, hope you are going to have a good day. I’m painting my bathroom today, and Mr Miller is building new cabinets to go in the bathroom. Mrs Miller
ReplyDeletehello mrs miller missing you lots enjoy your painting i only have task 3 left and then i am off to have lots of fun outside love Freddie
DeleteHi Freddie, I’m missing you all lots. My painting is all done thanks.
DeleteHope you and your family are keeping safe and well. Mrs Miller
Morning everyone hope you are well I am missing you all �� Love from Harley .
ReplyDeleteMorning! I am missing you all very much. We will see our friends again soon.
Deletehello miss kingscote missing you. I've completed task 1 and 2 i have task 3 left. Going to have lots of fun in the sun love freddie
DeleteHi Freddie! Lovely to hear from you. I am missing you all very much. Well done for completing your tasks- you are super!
DeleteEnjoy the sunshine
Miss Kingscote
Good morning miss kingscote and Mrs Miller, I've only just got up. I stayed up late to watch the shooting stars and the elon musk satellites. I have seen the work for today and will do it. From freya
ReplyDeleteGood morning Freya! Sounds brilliant, what a great experience. Enjoy your activities today.
DeleteMiss Kingscote
Hi Freya, it was good fun watching the satellites and shooting stars, but it was a little bit chilly. Hope you wrapped up warm.
DeleteHope you and your family are staying safe and well. Mrs Miller