Friday, April 24, 2020

Good morning Year 3! 

It's Friday today, nearly time to have a relaxing weekend. We have made it through our first week back of home learning. Well done! 

Here are your 3 activities for today:

1. Today we are going to continue to focus on adverb starters. Remember adverb starters are found at the start of a sentence and are always followed by a comma. Have a look back at yesterday’s work to remind yourself.

We used words such as
In addition,

Click on the link below

Today we are going to be thinking of some more interesting adverbs such as Interestingly or surprisingly. Complete the activities on page 12 to write your own facts about trolls with interesting adverb starters.
2. We are going to continue using the website below to help with some of our maths learning. Today is lesson 4 on fractions. Click on the link below.

Click on the lesson ‘to find unit fractions of a given quantity’ and click ‘start lesson’. Start with the quiz (this is a recap from yesterday). Click 'next activity' and watch the video. Complete the main activity discussed in the video and the quiz at the end. Write your answers in your home learning books.

You could use lego or small objects to help when sharing out. You can physically share out your objects to get your answer.

3. For P.E today we are going to be doing some dancing with Oti Mabuse from Strictly Come Dancing.
Follow the link below to her youtube channel and select one of the dances you would like to learn. I like the look of the Shrek dance, looks fun.

If you prefer, you could GoNoodle instead or complete Joe Wick's work out.
You should all spend at least 10 minutes on Timestable Rockstars today and read your school books. You could read outside in the sunshine.

Remember to say hello in the comment and email with photos of what you've been doing. We look forward to hearing from you! Feel free to send in any photos of other actvitvites you've been doing like cooking or gardening. 

I hope to hear from lots of you today. 

Will you be our star of the day?

Have a lovely day in the sunshine,

Miss Kingscote

Today's reflection:

Fantastic work this week, you have all worked very hard and continue to impress me with your wonderful work. It is lovely to see so many of you having fun outside as well as completing your home learning activities. 

My star of the day is Miley! Miley has been working hard completing her tasks as well as having fun outside and baking. Keep up the great work!
Harley working hard with his maths and English. Well done!

Fidel challenging himself with his work on fractions and completing a whole family P.E lesson with Joe Wicks. 

Maisie's funny sentences and brilliant fractions work today.

Bernice is becoming a fractions expert. Well done!


  1. good morning miss kingscote and mrs miller.

    from Freya

    1. Good morning! I hope you have a lovely day and enjoy the dancing activity.

    2. Morning Freya, have a great day.

  2. Morning everyone I just finished Joe Harley

    1. Fantastic! Did you enjoy fancy dress Friday? Did you dress up?

    2. I forgot Harley

    3. That's ok, I'm sure you still had fun

  3. Morning Year 3 hope you and your family are all okay.
    Did any one watch the fund raising show last night? I watched a bit of it.
    Mrs Miller

    1. Good morning Mrs Miller.
      It was great wasn't it, I thought Year 3 might be watching too.

  4. Hello miss Kingscote ralphie

    1. Good morning! I hope you're having a lovely day. I look forward to seeing your fantastic work later.

  5. Brilliant work today everyone, you have had a great week and worked really hard.
    Have a good weekend in the sunshine ☀️.
    Mrs Miller
