We have made it through another week of home learning. What a wonderful job you are all doing!

Who will be our star of the day?

Here are your activities for today
We are going to use our story plan we made yesterday to write our story today. Remember to include paragraphs and prepositions. If you have jumped ahead and already written your story, you can publish your story today. Like we do in school, you can publish your story with beautiful joined handwriting, paragraphs and an illustration. I can't wait to read your exciting stories!
Look at page 20 to help you. You can use their modelled first paragraph if you like.

Lots of you aren't logging into Times Table Rockstars at home. So, today your maths task is to spend at least 15 minutes on TT Rockstars. Try to challenge yourself to win as many coins as you can.

Today we are going to create pointillism art. Pointillism art uses different coloured tiny dots very close together to create a piece of art. For this you will need some paint and the end of a paint brush or cotton bud and paper.
You can paint a scene from your story. Or, if you prefer you can choose an object in your house to paint. If you are stuck, you could paint a tree like the video below shows.
1. Draw the outline of the objects in your picture lightly with a pencil.
2. Get the end of your brush or cotton bud and dip it into your paint.
3. Gently dap the paint onto your paper to create the dots.

We are going to finish reading The Worst Witch story today. Follow the link below. Listen to Rachel Riley reading two extracts from the book. Reread extract 2 again focusing on your expression. How will your voice change for each character? Complete activity 3.

Remember to comment below to say hello and email us to let us know how you are. If we don't hear from you, we don't know if you are OK. Carry on sending in your brilliant photos to year.3@ctk.education
Have a great day,
Miss Kingscote
Today's reflection
Well done for another great day of home learning. Lots of you have sent in fantastic photos of your stories, art work and your reading tasks. Your stories have been amazing today. I have been so impressed this week! As always, I am very proud of you all.
Here is what your friends have been up to.
Fidel is our star of the day. Have a read of Fidel's fantastic story, it is so impressive! He has included paragraphs, interesting language and speech.

Freya's lovely pointillism artwork and a fab story. She has joined her writing, included paragraphs and speech.

Des'Arai has made a brilliant balloon globe and is working hard on her story.

Calvin's fab story writing. Beautifully presented.

Harley's pointillism artwork and his fabulous story. Great joined writing and lovely paragraphs.

Freddie has been working so hard. He has created fantastic pointillism artwork, reading and an interesting story.
Awele's brilliant pointillism artwork and descriptive story. Well done!

Have a great weekend!
Morning everyone from Harley
ReplyDeleteGood morning! I hope you have a lovely day
DeleteGood morning everyone. Have a good day. From Freya.
ReplyDeleteGood morning! Enjoy the sunshine today
DeleteGood morning Year 3. I hope you are all okay. I’m going to sit in my garden today and enjoy the sunshine.
ReplyDeleteMrs Miller
Brilliant work again from you all. Have a great weekend Year 3 and enjoy the lovely weather. Mrs Miller