I hope you all had a good sleep and are ready for a terrific Tuesday! I know we are going to have another great day of home learning today.
A reminder:
Tomorrow we are going to have a zoom video with the class at 11am. You need to give permission to the school office before you can join in. If you haven't already, call the office to give permission to join us. The school office will text out the meeting ID and password you will need for tomorrow. If you haven't given permission, you won't be able to join. Looking forward to seeing you all!

Will you be our star of the day?

Start your day with Joe Wicks or go for a walk with your family. It's good to start our day with exercise.
Here are your 3 activities:
1. English
Today we are going to reread our story 'The Stone Trolls' from yesterday on pages 5 and 6.
We are going to use the unfamiliar words you defined yesterday (page 7). Write a sentence using each of the unfamiliar words.
For example:
I decided to wade into the icy cold water.
I clambered over the rocks to find a good place to hide.
2. Maths
Today is lesson 10 on fractions. Click on the link below and scroll down to 'compare and order unit fractions'. If you have missed a lesson follow on from the last one you did. For example, if you have only completed up to lesson 6. Complete lesson 7 today.
Complete the quiz to remind yourself of yesterday's lesson. Watch the video and complete the activities.

Captain Tom Moore raised a lot of money for the NHS. It's amazing how just one person can make such a difference. Can you find out how many laps of his garden he completed? How much money did he raise?
You can draw your own picture of Captain Tom completing his
challenge. You can then put it in your window to celebrate his success.
However small we think our actions are, we can all make a difference. What would you do to make a positive difference to the world around us?
Remember to read your school book for at least 15 minutes today.
Remember to read your school book for at least 15 minutes today.
Don't forget to challenge yourself on Times Table Rock Stars too!
Remember to say hello in the comments below and email in to let us know how you are. Send your photos in to year.3@ctk.education
Don't forget to have a look back at yesterday's blog to see the fantastic work your friends have done.
Don't forget to have a look back at yesterday's blog to see the fantastic work your friends have done.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Miss Kingscote
Today's reflection:
Today has been an odd day due to the technical issues we have had. Lots of you have still managed to complete lots of fantastic work, well done!
Don't forget our zoom tomorrow morning at 11am. I will post above with the details.
My star of the day is Pamodou. Pam has worked so hard today. He has researched VE day and done some fantastic writing. Look at Pam's brilliant joined handwriting. WELL DONE!

Below are some photos of your friends brilliant work
Harley's brilliant sentences, great maths and lovely drawing of Captain Tom Moore.

Freya's fantastic work today. Beautiful presentation!

Awele has been working her socks off today. What fantastic writing and a lovely illustration of Captain Tom.

Miley's wonderful posters of Captain Tom Moore and VE Day. Wonderful!

Bernice has completed all of the activities today. Well done!

Fidel has worked so hard today on all of his activities.

Today's reflection:
Today has been an odd day due to the technical issues we have had. Lots of you have still managed to complete lots of fantastic work, well done!
Don't forget our zoom tomorrow morning at 11am. I will post above with the details.
My star of the day is Pamodou. Pam has worked so hard today. He has researched VE day and done some fantastic writing. Look at Pam's brilliant joined handwriting. WELL DONE!

Below are some photos of your friends brilliant work
Harley's brilliant sentences, great maths and lovely drawing of Captain Tom Moore.

Freya's fantastic work today. Beautiful presentation!

Awele has been working her socks off today. What fantastic writing and a lovely illustration of Captain Tom.

Miley's wonderful posters of Captain Tom Moore and VE Day. Wonderful!

Bernice has completed all of the activities today. Well done!

Fidel has worked so hard today on all of his activities.

Hi everyone Harley
ReplyDeleteHello Harley. I have loved seeing your fantastic work today. Well done!
DeleteHi year 3 hope you have had a good day.
ReplyDeleteMrs Miller
Have you had a good sleep
ReplyDeleteI hope you slept well last night. Remember to say your name when you comment so we know who you are.
DeleteHave you had a good dream Anta
ReplyDeleteMiss kingcote I Finshed my work I am going to give you my pics.
ReplyDeleteFantastic! Remember to say who you are when you post.