The sunshine is back today, great news! We are looking forward to seeing lots of you on our zoom call at 11am. Remember to get permission before you can join us.
Will you be our star of the day?

Get your body moving with GoNoodle this morning. You could choose one you haven't tried before.
Here are your 3 activities for today:
1. English
Today we are going to review the story and give our opinion. We are going to answer the three questions on page 8, where it says 'what did you think about the story?'. Remember to use 'because' to explain your answer.
Before you answer the questions, reread the story (pages 5 and 6) to refresh your memory.

2. Maths
Today is lesson 11 on fractions. Click on the link below and scroll down to 'fractions: finding equivalent fractions'. If you have missed a lesson follow on from the last one you did. For example, if you have only completed up to lesson 6. Complete lesson 7 today.
Complete the quiz to remind yourself of yesterday's lesson. Watch the video and complete the activities.
3. Science
Today we are going to find out how fossils are formed.
Watch the video to answer these questions:
What is a fossil?
How is it formed?
If you have play dough, you could make your own dinosaur fossils. If you don't, you could make salt dough with a grown up (follow the link below). Flatten the dough. Press a small toy into the dough.Take off your toy and you should be left with an indent where your toy was. If you have made salt dough, these can be baked and painted (with an adult). Look at the example below for ideas. Or if you prefer, you could draw some dinosaur fossils.

Remember to read aloud to an adult today. Below are some questions to answer as you read.
-what do you think will happen next?
-what have been the main events in the story so far?
-which character would like to be and why?
-what is the text about?
-why is the text arranged this way?
-how would this text be useful to you?

Times Table Rock Stars
Remember to practise for at least 10 minutes. Can you reach the top of the chart?
Don't forget to comment below to say hello or email us to tell us how you are. Carry on sending in your brilliant photos to
We look forward to seeing your brilliant work,
Miss Kingscote
Today's reflection:
It was so lovely to see so many of your smiley faces on zoom today. We had 16 of you join us! I hope you enjoyed seeing your friends and hearing what people have been doing at home. We will organise another one for next week (hopefully it will be easier to hear people).
Another great day of home learning today. You continue to try your best, persevere when things are hard and challenge yourself. It really is fantastic!
Fidel is our star of the day. Fidel has started to join his handwriting and it looks fabulous! He has also completed his maths and science work today. Keep it up!

Here are some photos of your friends working hard.
Great fractions and writing from Maisie. She has challenged herself and completed some Year 4 work at school too. Very impressive!

Harley's fabulous work. He has completed all of the activities set.

Awele has completed all of the activities today. I love the detailed illustrations.

Bernice has completed all of the activities today. You are super!

Good morning Year 3, I am really looking forward to seeing you at 11am on zoom. I can’t wait to hear what you have been up to over the last few weeks. I bet you have all grown lots.
ReplyDeleteMrs Miller
They might be taller than us!
DeleteGood morning everyone Harley
ReplyDeleteGood morning Harley. Looking forward to seeing you later on zoom.
DeleteBrilliant work again Year 3, it was great to see you on zoom this morning.