Monday, May 4, 2020

Good morning Year 3!

I hope you've all had a restful weekend and had lots of fun. I am sure you are ready for a great week of home learning. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your brilliant work. 

Will you be our star of the day?

Wake up with Joe Wicks or GoNoodle. Get your body moving! 

Here are your 3 activities for today:

1. English 

We are looking at a new story this week. Follow the link below.

Read the background information on pages 3 and 4. We already know a lot about Iceland from our Reykjavik topic! Now read the story on pages 5 and 6. You can also listen to the story using the link on page 5. Complete the activity on page 7. These are all unfamiliar words you probably do not know. You need to find out their meaning and write a definition. Find the words in the story to help you.

2. Maths 

Today is lesson 9 on fractions. Click on the link below and scroll down to lesson 9, 'comparing fractions with the same denominator'.

Complete the quiz to remind yourself of the work you did last week. Watch the video and complete the activities. 

3. History 

This week is the 75th Anniversary of VE Day. Your history task today is to use the link below to find out about VE day. Watch the video below.

Use the photo and the video to answer these questions:
What is VE Day?
What do you think is happening in this photo? 
Why is it important to remember VE day?


Remember to read your school book for at least 15 minutes today. Can you summarise what your story is about? Who was your favourite character and why? 
Times Table Rock Stars 

Don't forget to challenge yourself on Times Table Rock Stars too! 
Remember to say hello in the comments below and email in to let us know how you are. I will be contacting you today if I haven't heard from you. Send your photos in to

We look forward to hearing from you later,

Have a great day,

Miss Kingscote

Today's reflection

You have worked so hard again today. What a great start to our week of home learning! It is lovely to see so many of you challenging yourself at home and persevering when you find something tricky. 

Have a look at some of the brilliant work your friends have been doing today.

Our star of the day is Freya! She has been growing her own plants in her garden and writing a brilliant story.

Aaliyah has been working hard at home.
Bernice has been challenging herself with her maths and learning about VE day.
Fidel has been a super star and completed all activities today.

Harley has worked hard today completing all of his activities to a great standard.


  1. Morning everyone from Harley

    1. Good morning Harley! I hope you had a lovely weekend.

  2. Good morning everyone. Hope you have a good day. From Freya.

    1. Good morning Freya. I hope you had a good weekend! Did you finish the story you were writing? I'm looking forward to seeing how it ends.

  3. good morning miss kingscote xx

    1. Good morning Tianna. It is so lovely to hear from you! How are you? How are you getting on with your home learning?

      Miss Kingscote

    2. good thank`s


  4. good morning everyone xx

    1. Good morning! How are you? Remember to say who you are.

      Miss Kingscote

  5. good morning everyone from Fidel

    1. Hello Fidel! I hope you had a lovely weekend.

  6. Hi everyone, sorry I’m late looking at the blog today, I have been shopping for my mum this morning and then I went to see her and give her the shopping.
    Mrs Miller

  7. Another great day of work from you all. Mrs Miller
