Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Good morning Year 3!

Happy Tuesday! We are hope you're safe and well. Remember to look back at yesterday's reflection to see the lovely photos your friends sent in. 

Will you be our star of the day?

Here are your activities for today:

Wake yourself up with GoNoodle. You could try a new dance today.


Follow the link below to our booklet 'The Stone Trolls'. Today we are completing the adjective game on pages 11 and 12. Write down any nouns you can see in the photos on page 11. For example, rocks and clouds. On page 12 think of as many adjectives to describe your nouns. For example, grey and jagged rocks. Grey and jagged are my adjectives. Use your adjectives to complete the activities on page 13. 



This is our final lesson on fractions. 

Today is lesson 14 on fractions. Click on the link below and scroll down to 'fractions: subtracting fractions with the same denominator'. If you have missed a lesson follow on from the last one you did. For example, if you have completed up to lesson 10. Complete lesson 11 today.


Complete the quiz to remind yourself of yesterday's lesson. Watch the video and complete the activities.


Today we are going to learn how to count to 10 in Spanish. Watch the video below to help you learn them. Can you teach someone else in your family?


We are going to continue reading The Worst Witch story. Follow the link below. Listen to Rachel Riley reading two extracts from the book. Read extract 1 yourself and complete activity 1. 

Times Tables 

Well done to Bernice, Fidel, Pam, Angelina, Tiagan, Cheyenne, Angelos and Maisie. They have all been on TT Rockstars over the last few days. Please log in for at least 10 minutes a day. By the end of Year 3, you should be confident with 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8's. 

Remember to comment on the blog or email to say hello. This is how we know you are ok. Don't forget to send in your photos to year.3@ctk.education 

Have a lovely day,

Miss Kingscote

Today's reflection 

A great day of home learning today. We have had so many of you get in touch via email and the blog. Thank you to those children. Have a look at the brilliant photos your friends have sent in below. 

A reminder

Tomorrow we have a class zoom at 10am. We are going to have a fun quiz. Please make sure you have given permission for your child to take part. If they do not have permission, they will not be able to join. I will post the username and password in the morning

Our star of the day is Freya. She completes every task she is set to a brilliant standard. Freya's work is neatly presented and you can see the effort she puts in to every piece. Well done!

Calvin's brilliant English and maths.

Des'Arai has been working hard with her maths today.

Freddie has been working really hard completing all of his tasks and has bounced back brilliantly after feeling poorly.

Fidel continues to try his best with his work at home. Fantastic!      
Harley has been a star today completing his work as well as practising his Spanish numbers.
Ralphie has been fantastic and has worked his way through the different activities. 
Bernice continues to work hard at home.


  1. Morning everyone.
    What a lovely sunny day, I’m going to go for a walk and when I come back I’m going to look at the video of counting in Spanish. I wonder if I will be able to get to 10 by the end of the day.
    Mrs Miller

    1. morning mrs Miller I know spanish to 1 to 10 Harley

    2. Good morning! That's great, maybe you could learn the numbers 11-20?

    3. Hi Harley, I’ve worked really hard learning my Spanish numbers today.

  2. Hi everyone Harley

  3. Good morning Miss Kingscote and Mrs Miller. Have a good day. From Freya.

    1. Good morning! Have a great day.

    2. Hi Freya hope you are okay, how are you doing with your Spanish numbers?

  4. Replies
    1. Hello Anta. How are you? How are you getting on with your home learning?

    2. Hi Anta hope you are okay, are you learning your Spanish numbers?

  5. Hello miss kingscote and mrs Miller I miss you so much cant wait to see you on zoom <3 me and my mum is going to learn Spanish now see you tomorrow

    1. Hi Des'Arai. It's lovely to hear from you. We are looking forward to our zoom quiz too. Enjoy your Spanish!

    2. i have done my spanish now and my worst witch activities and will be doing my ttrockstar after i have a break my mummy said we can do some more fractions as well this evening
      love des'arai

    3. Hi Des Arai, it sounds as if you have worked really hard today. Well done.
      I can’t wait to see you and the rest of the children tomorrow.

    4. Hi mrs miller cant wait to see you too

  6. Hi Miss Kingscote
    It’s Angelina

    1. Hi Angelina. It's lovely to hear from you. How are you? How are you getting on with your home learning? Hope to see you on our zoom quiz tomorrow.
