Thursday, May 7, 2020

Year 3- Weekly timetable (11th-15th May)

Year 3- weekly timetable (11th-15th May)
This is a brief timetable of the work coming up next week. Each day there will be maths, English, reading and another activity. I will still post on the blog every morning explaining the activities in detail. This is just a guide to let you know what is coming up.

The Stone Trolls

Monday - Odd one out game

Tuesday - Adjective games and setting description

Wednesday - Prepositions

Thursday – Planning our story

Friday- Writing our own story using paragraphs

Monday – Adding fractions

Tuesday -  Subtracting fractions

Wednesday – Times table tricks

Thursday – Times table tricks

Friday – Times table games
Third activity

Monday-  ICT- Coding games

Tuesday- Spanish- Numbers  

Wednesday- Geography- Balloon Globes

Thursday- PSHE- Staying Home

Friday- Art- Pointillism art
Reading Daily

It is very important that you continue to read every day.
Read your school book for 15 minutes.

Monday- The Worst Witch reading

Tuesday- The Worst Witch (activity 1)

Wednesday- Oxford Owl- choose new books

Thursday- The Worst Witch (activity 2)

Friday – The Worst Witch (activity 3)
Times Tables Daily

Use TTRS - 10 minutes per day

Listen to Mr Searle’s songs - sing-a-long

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