Thursday, May 7, 2020

Good morning Year 3! 

I hope you slept well. As it's VE Day tomorrow, today is our last day of home learning this week. Another brilliant week of work. 

Will you be our star of the day?

Here are your 3 activities for the day:

1. English

Follow the link below. Reread the story 'The Stone Trolls' on pages 5 and 6.

Today we are going to complete the reading quiz on page 9. Answer the 4 questions. Where it says underline, write the answers in your home learning books instead. 

2. Maths 

We have nearly finished our work on fractions. 

Today is lesson 12 on fractions. Click on the link below and scroll down to 'fractions: finding equivalent fractions'. It has the same name as yesterday's lesson so be careful to check it says 'lesson 12'.

Complete the quiz to remind yourself of yesterday's lesson. Watch the video and complete the activities.

3. P.E

We are going to try something new today. We are going to try Disney Shake Ups. Follow the link below.

These are 10 minute Disney themed P.E activities. Select which Disney film you like and choose an activity. If it's just you playing check it's just 1 player. If it's 2 player, you might want to ask your brother or sister to play with you.

These are great fun! Let us know which ones you choose. 

A few that you might want to try:
-Incredibles 2: Dash Ball Skills
-Incredibles 2: Jack Jack's Super Shapes
-Lion King: Simba's Jungle Skills
-Big Hero 6: Baymax's Mega Moves


Read your book for at least 15 minutes

Listen to David Walliam's audio book. He's reading a book called 'Fing' at the moment.

Times Table Rock Stars

Well done to these children who have been on TT Rock Stars this week:
Bernice, Fidel, Angelos, Pam, Angelina, Tiagan, Maisie, Harley, Leah, Declan, Des'Arai and Tianna.  

Others have not been on at all this week. Try and change that today! 

Remember to comment to say hello or email us to let us know how are you. We love to see your photos. Keep sending them in! 

Have a great day,

Miss Kingscote

Today's reflection

Another fabulous week of home learning. Well done! It is so lovely to see you work so hard and continue to try your best in everything you do. Thank you for your brilliant photos, they really do make us smile. I hope you all have a lovely bank holiday. Have you made your bunting for VE day?

Our star of the day is Awele. She continues to try her best in every activity and sends in lovely photos of her work every day. Well done! 
Freya's beautiful writing and brilliant fractions work.

Harley continues to work really hard at home.

Benji has been working really hard at home to complete all of his activities. 
Fidel's fantastic fractions and reading quiz. Great joined handwriting!


  1. Replies
    1. Good morning! I hope you have a great day.

  2. Good morning from Harley

    1. Good morning. Enjoy your day!

  3. Morning everyone, it's another sunny day, hope everyone is well. I'm going to be busy sorting out my summer clothes, and then I'm going out for a walk.
    Have a good day.
    Mrs Miller

  4. Another great day of work from you all. Have a fantastic long weekend with your family.
    Stay safe 🌈🌈🌈
