We have made it to the last day of term 5! You have worked so hard during this term despite being at home. Even though our learning is different, you are all trying so hard. We are very proud of you!
Lots of you took part in the art world record attempt yesterday. Did you have fun?

Who will be our star of the day?

Here are your activities for today:
Wake up by joining Joe Wick's on YouTube. Today is fancy dress Friday!
Today we are going to be writing a list poem. Have a look at the example on page 8. We are going to write our own '10 Things in an Explorer's Rucksack'. Try to include alliteration (words starting with the same letter) and interesting adjectives to describe your items. Use the tips on page 8 to help and the planning grid on page 9 to organise your ideas. You could design your rucksack and draw the 10 things in your bag.

Today is lesson 5 on angles and shapes. Click on the link below and scroll down to 'revise angles'. Recap yesterday's lesson by completing the quiz, watch the video and complete the activities.

Today we are going to watch a tutorial to learn how to do bubble writing. Follow the tutorial below. Practise the letters of the alphabet and then you could write your name. Maybe you could make a sign for your bedroom door (check with an adult) or design a card with bubble writing on the front.

Today we are going to choose 3 brand new books from the Oxford Owl online library. Follow the link below. Select 'my class login' at the top. Type in the username and password below.
username: christtheking3
password: homelearning
Now you can choose 3 new reading books, remember to choose a mix of non-fiction and fiction. Select the appropriate age group, I would suggest age 7-9 or 6-7. Let us know which book you choose to read today. You can read these over the half term too.
When you have read your new book today, ask an adult or older sibling to ask you these questions.
What has happened in this story?
What might happen next and why?
What was the most interesting part of the book?
What is this book about?
Tell me two things you found out about that you didn't know before.
How does a glossary help us?

Times tables
Remember to challenge yourself on TT Rockstars today. I will be checking who has logged in this week.
Don't forget to say hello in the comments below or email us to let us know how you are doing. Remember to send in your lovely photos of the work you've been doing. We love to see them and we can share them with your friends later.
Email us:
Have a great Friday,
Miss Kingscote
Today's reflection
Well done for a fantastic term 5. You have all worked so hard and you deserve a restful and relaxing half term. Thank you to all the grown ups that have helped too, we really appreciate your support. Enjoy your break! We will see you on the 1st June back for another brilliant term of home learning. Stay safe and have lots of fun.
Calvin is unable to post on the blog but he wanted to say 'stay safe' to you all.
Our TT Rockstar top 5:
1. Merit
2. Freddie
3. Bernice
4. Fidel
5. Maisie
Our most improved TT Rockstar is Pamodou! Well done to the top 5 and our most improved.
I will link some ideas below if you want some activities to complete over half term to fill your time.
Have a look at the great work your friends have done today.
Fidel is our star of the day. He has written a fantastic poem about his explorer's rucksack, including alliteration and humour. I love it! As well as this, Fidel has completed every task to a fab standard.

Harley has worked hard on his maths and his poem today. I love your poem too!

Calvin's fantastic English and maths work. Well done!
Bernice has shared her work from the past two days. Fantastic effort in writing and maths.

Freddie has completed all of his tasks to a high standard today. Lovely bubble writing, poem work and maths. He has also chosen 3 interesting book to read over half term.

Merit's lovely bubble writing and great maths work.

Fabulous work by Awele. I can see the hard work you have put in to every piece!

Today's reflection
Well done for a fantastic term 5. You have all worked so hard and you deserve a restful and relaxing half term. Thank you to all the grown ups that have helped too, we really appreciate your support. Enjoy your break! We will see you on the 1st June back for another brilliant term of home learning. Stay safe and have lots of fun.
Calvin is unable to post on the blog but he wanted to say 'stay safe' to you all.
Our TT Rockstar top 5:
1. Merit
2. Freddie
3. Bernice
4. Fidel
5. Maisie
Our most improved TT Rockstar is Pamodou! Well done to the top 5 and our most improved.
I will link some ideas below if you want some activities to complete over half term to fill your time.
- Choose some new books to read - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/
- Draw with Rob - http://www.robbiddulph.com/draw-with-rob
- Listen to David Walliam's audio books- https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/
- Spanish - https://www.duolingo.com
- Outdoor activities- https://www.scouts.org.uk/the-great-indoors/
- GoNoodle dances- https://www.gonoodle.com/
Have a look at the great work your friends have done today.
Fidel is our star of the day. He has written a fantastic poem about his explorer's rucksack, including alliteration and humour. I love it! As well as this, Fidel has completed every task to a fab standard.

Harley has worked hard on his maths and his poem today. I love your poem too!

Calvin's fantastic English and maths work. Well done!
Bernice has shared her work from the past two days. Fantastic effort in writing and maths.

Freddie has completed all of his tasks to a high standard today. Lovely bubble writing, poem work and maths. He has also chosen 3 interesting book to read over half term.
Merit's lovely bubble writing and great maths work.

Fabulous work by Awele. I can see the hard work you have put in to every piece!

Good morning year 3. Harley X
ReplyDeleteHello! Lovely to hear from you every day:)
DeleteHello Year 3.
ReplyDeleteMiss Kingscote has already written that we are proud of you all and the work that you have done this term has been amazing.
You have all been fantastic and I love to see your work at the end of the day.
Even though we haven’t been in school I think we have had a brilliant term 5.
Mrs Miller
Aren't they fabulous!
DeleteHello. Have a good day, From Freya.
ReplyDeleteHi Freya. I hope you're having a lovely day!
DeleteHi everyone Anta
ReplyDeleteHi Anta. How are you? I hope you're having a nice day!