We are looking forward to seeing lots of you for our zoom quiz at 10am. Remember to get permission if you would like to join us.
Meeting ID: 811 3813 5461
Password: 7CS00y

Who will be our star of the day?

Here are your activities for today:
You have had your school reading books for a long time now. Today you can change these using our online library. Oxford Owl have free access to their ebooks. Follow the link below. Select 'my class login' at the top. Type in the username and password below.
username: christtheking3
password: homelearning
Now you can choose 3 new reading books, remember to choose a mix of non-fiction and fiction. Select the appropriate age group, I would suggest age 7-9 or 6-7. Let us know which book you choose to read today.

We are going to play the 'Preposition Game' on page 14. Remember prepositions are words that tell the reader where things are. For example, below or above. Complete the activity of page 14. Use your ideas to write a paragraph using page 15 to help you.

Today we are going to look at some fun times table tricks. Watch the video below to find a great way to learn your 9 x table using your fingers.

We are going to make a balloon globe to show the continents. For this you will need a balloon (or a ball), paper, scissors and blue tack or glue. Have a look at the pictures below to show you the finished product.
1. Blow up your balloon
2. Draw or cut out the continents on paper (you will need to look carefully at their shapes)
3. Label your continents
4. Stick them onto your balloon or ball to show the continents of the world. Try to stick them in the correct place.
Follow the link below for step by step instructions and a template of the continents.

Remember to comment on the blog or email to say hello. This is how we know you are ok. Don't forget to send in your photos to year.3@ctk.education
Have a lovely day,
Miss Kingscote
Another fab day of home learning. Again, we have heard from so many of you through the blog and via email. Thank you to those children. It was great to see so many of you on the zoom call today. I am sorry that a few of you had trouble accessing the call or the connection wasn't great. This is new to us all.
Freya has a lovely message for you all.

Our star of the day is Freddie. He has been working his socks off. Freddie has been enjoying learning with his nanny and has completed all of his tasks to a brilliant standard. He chose his three new books today and has already finished one. Keep it up!
Angelina has been working hard completing her maths work.

Anta is proud of her brilliant work.

Calvin's lovely writing using prepositions.

Des'Arai has been practising her times tables. She was also the winner of our quiz today with 18/20. Well done!

Fidel's great work today. What a brilliant balloon globe!

Harley's fab globe and interesting writing using prepositions.

Maisie has been working so hard at school and home. This is just a selection of Maisie's work.

Freya's fantastic maths and English.

Bernice's brilliant balloon globe and lovely writing today.

Awele continues to work really hard at home.

Hello Year 3
ReplyDeleteI’m looking forward to seeing you all this morning, I’m just eating my breakfast, I’m having boiled eggs and soldiers. What are you having today for breakfast?
Mrs Miller
Good morning I'm looking forward to seeing you on zoom Harley
ReplyDeletegood morning have a good day and see you soon
ReplyDeletefrom Freya
Fab work year 3. It was great to see you all earlier.
ReplyDeleteMrs Miller