Friday, May 1, 2020

Year 3 weekly timetable (4th-7th May)

Year 3- weekly timetable (4th-7th May)
This is a brief timetable of the work coming up next week. Each day there will be maths, English, reading and another activity. I will still post on the blog every morning explaining the activities in detail. This is just a guide to let you know what is coming up.

The Stone Trolls
Monday - Listen and read the new story. Look at any unfamiliar words

Tuesday - Write your own sentences using the unfamiliar words

Wednesday - Reviewing the story

Thursday - Reading quiz

Monday - Compare fractions

Tuesday - Compare and order fractions

Wednesday - Equivalent fractions

Thursday - Equivalent fractions
Third activity

Monday-  History- VE Day research

Tuesday- PSHE- Captain Tom Moore

Wednesday- Science- How are fossils made?

Thursday- P.E- Disney shake ups

Reading Daily

It is very important that you continue to read every day.
Read your school book for 15 minutes.

Listen to David Walliams read his daily short story.

Times Tables Daily           

Use TTRS - 10 minutes per day

Listen to Mr Searle’s songs - sing-a-long

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