Friday, June 12, 2020

Good morning Year 3! 

Happy Friday! I can't believe it's Friday again, it's come around so quickly. 

A reminder

If you haven't completed your Virtual Summer School Challenge yet, today is your last chance. This week is the 'Around the World' challenge. Today is the last day to practise. Please send me your best score by the end of the day and I will enter you into the competition. How many can you do in 1 minute? Remember prizes are up for grabs!

Who will be our star of the day?

Here are your activities:


Today we are focusing on metaphors. Turn to pages 7 and 8 in your booklets. Read the poem 'You Are' on page 8, this is a poem full of metaphors. You are going to create your own 'You Are' poem using different metaphors. Use the tips on pages 7 and 8 to help you. 


This is our last lesson on angles and shape. Today we are completing lesson 15, 'to revise shapes'. This is a recap of all the shape and angles work you have done over the past 2 weeks. Watch the video and complete the activities. Remember to use a ruler to draw your lines.


Today is our final lesson on 'Dindy and the Elephant'. Read extracts 1 and 2 again and complete activity 3.


We are going to be learning the colours in Spanish. Watch the video below to learn the names of the colours.

Or if you prefer, you could learn this song to help you remember your Spanish colours.

Please remember to comment below or send us an email to let us know how you are. Also, keep sending in your wonderful photos to 

Have a lovely day,

Miss Kingscote

Today's reflection

Well done for another great week of home learning. You have continued to try your best and complete your work to a brilliant standard. We hope you have a lovely weekend and have lots of fun.

Declan is our star of the day. He has completed lots of brilliant work today. He has challenged himself with tricky writing and maths. Well done!

Freya has worked so hard all week. Below are a few examples of her lovely work.

Fidel has also worked super hard all week. Have a look at his fabulous work below.

Harley has completed all of his work again today and it looks wonderful. Well done, Harley!

Bernice is a star and has been working hard practising her drawing and completing some difficult maths challenges.


  1. Happy Friday from Harley

    1. Good morning, Harley! I hope you have a lovely day.

  2. Morning last day of school work before the weekend. Hope you are all okay and working hard.
