Monday, June 29, 2020

Good morning Year 3! 

I hope you've had a lovely weekend. What did you get up to? We would love to hear all about it. 

Here are your activities for today:


The new Talk for Writing booklet has not been released yet, so today we are going to use Bitesize for our English lesson. We are focusing on character description. Listen to Eniola Aluko read an extract from 'Matilda'. Complete activity 1.


Measures. Lesson 6: compare capacity and volume. Watch the video and answer the questions.


We are going to choose 3 brand new books from the Oxford Owl online library. Follow the link below. Select 'my class login' at the top. Type in the username and password below.

username: christtheking3
password: homelearning

Now you can choose 3 new reading books, remember to choose a mix of non-fiction and fiction. Select the appropriate age group, I would suggest age 7-9 or 6-7.

When you have read your new book today, ask an adult or older sibling to ask you these questions. Let us know which book you read. 

Before you read. What do you predict this story will be about?
Summarise the story.
What was your favourite part of the story?
Would you recommend this book to a friend?

Before you read. What do you predict this book will be about?
Was your prediction right? What was this book about?
Tell me two things you found out about that you didn't know before.

Would you recommend this book to a friend?


Click on the link below to learn about how we hear sound. Watch the videos and complete the activities.

Remember to get in touch and send in your photos to 

Have a lovely day,

Miss Kingscote

Today's reflection 

A quiet day of home learning today. Well done to those children who are getting in contact and sending in their brilliant work. 

Awele has been working hard at home.

Fantastic work from Benji H today. 
Wonderful work from Calvin.
Harley continues to work really hard at home.

Brilliant work from Fidel.


  1. Morning Year 3.
    It’s a bit windy and chilly out today, let’s hope the sun comes out.
    I’m having a day at home today, doing housework and school work. Have a good day
