Monday, June 15, 2020

Good morning Year 3! 

I hope you have had a lovely weekend. What have you been up to? We would love to hear all about your weekend.

Who will be our star of the day?

Here are your activities: 


Today we are focusing on pages 9 and 10 of our booklet. We are going to create an 'eye spy' poem based on things you can see out of your window. Perhaps you have started to notice things you hadn't really seen before, like the two robins in the example poem. Read the example on page 10. Now, write your own eye spy poem by thinking of what you can see from your window.


Before we start our new unit of measure, we are going to recap some of our place value work. This will help us with our next unit. Click on the link below and scroll down to 'multiplication and division'. Today we are completing lesson 1, 'multiply and divide by 10 and 100'. Watch the video and complete the quiz questions.


We are going to choose 3 brand new books from the Oxford Owl online library. Follow the link below. Select 'my class login' at the top. Type in the username and password below.

username: christtheking3
password: homelearning

Now you can choose 3 new reading books, remember to choose a mix of non-fiction and fiction. Select the appropriate age group, I would suggest age 7-9 or 6-7.

When you have read your new book today, ask an adult or older sibling to ask you these questions. Let us know which book you read. I think I would choose the books 'our class tiger', 'tasty travels' and 'Oh, Otto!'. They all look brilliant! 

Before you read. What do you predict this story will be about?

Summarise the story.
What was your favourite part of the story?

How do you think the main character felt at the end?


Before you read. What do you predict this book will be about?
Was your prediction right? What was this book about?
Tell me two things you found out about that you didn't know before.
What does the 'contents'  page tell you?


Our new Summer School Games challenge has been released today. This week's 60 second challenge is called 'Tuck In, Tuck Out'. Your job is to practise the challenge as much as you can until you achieve your best score. The video explains what you have to do. How many can you do in 1 minute? 

Let me know your best score and share any photos/video of you completing the challenge. You have until Friday to let me know your best score.

I will assume that if you share a picture/video and a score with me that you are happy for this to be shared on the summer games website, if not please let me know.

Please remember to comment below or send us an email to let us know how you are. Also, keep sending in your wonderful photos to 

Have a lovely day, 

Miss Kingscote

Today's reflection 

Welcome back to a new week of home learning. What a great start to the week! It's lovely to hear from so many of you. Have a look at the fab photos of home learning that have been shared today.

Our star of the day is Harley. He has be learning to make a Victoria sponge cake today and doesn't it look fantastic! As well as this, he has completed all of his work and extra maths activities. Harley's dog wanted to be involved in his PE challenge today. 

Declan has worked really hard at home completing his maths and English work. Well done!

Fidel has completed some brilliant work today. What a star!

Merit has completed her maths work today. Looking good!


  1. Good morning from Harley

    1. Good morning! Did you have a nice weekend? What did you get up to?

  2. Morning Year 3. Hope you had a good weekend, I had a lovely weekend with Mr Miller and Alice. I’m at my mum’ house this morning and I’m really happy because I can give her a great big hug.

  3. Replies
    1. Good morning! What did you get up to at the weekend?

    2. I did some baking and spent some time in the garden playing when it wasn't raining. Hope you had a nice weekend.

    3. Sounds fantastic! I had a lovely weekend, thank you.
