Monday, June 8, 2020

Good morning Year 3! 

I hope you had a lovely weekend. What did you get up to? 

Who will be our star of the day?

Here are your activities for today:


Today we are going to be looking at the difference between there, their and they're. Follow the link below and watch the two videos to remind yourself when to use each word. Also, the image below will help you to remember (it's like the poster in our classroom). Complete activity 1 (fill in the gaps), activity 2 (quiz) and then activity 3 (sentences).


Today is lesson 11 on angles and shapes. Click on the link below and scroll down. Lesson 11 is titled 'to describe 2D shapes based on their properties'. Watch the video and complete the activities.

Challenge: Can you complete a shape hunt around your house or garden. How many 2D shapes can you find? For example, I can see that my laptop screen is a rectangle. 


Our new Summer School Games challenge has been released today. This week's 60 second challenge is called the 'Around the World Challenge'. Your job is to practise the challenge as much as you can until you achieve your best score. The video explains what you have to do. How many can you do in 1 minute? 

Let me know your best score and share any photos/video of you completing the challenge. These will then be uploaded on the website at the end of each week. You have until Friday evening to let me know your best score.

I will assume that if you share a picture/video and a score with me that you are happy for this to be shared and uploaded to the summer games website, if not please let me know.


We are going to choose 3 brand new books from the Oxford Owl online library. Follow the link below. Select 'my class login' at the top. Type in the username and password below.

username: christtheking3
password: homelearning

Now you can choose 3 new reading books, remember to choose a mix of non-fiction and fiction. Select the appropriate age group, I would suggest age 7-9 or 6-7. 

When you have read your new book today, ask an adult or older sibling to ask you these questions. Let us know which book you read. I think I would choose the books 'burps, scabs and smells', 'the lazy giant' and 'Eric's talking ears'. They all look brilliant! 

Before you read. What do you predict this story will be about?

Summarise what the story was about.
What was the most interesting part of the book?

Would you recommend this book to a friend?


Before you read. What do you predict this book will be about?
How do you know it is non-fiction?
Tell me two things you found out about that you didn't know before.
Would you recommend this book to a friend?

Please remember to comment below or send us an email to let us know how you are. Also, keep sending in your wonderful photos to 

Have a lovely day, 

Miss Kingscote

Today's reflection 

Another brilliant Monday of home learning. It is great to see so many of you getting in touch and sharing your lovely work. It is also nice to hear about the exciting things you've been doing over the weekend. We love to see your photos! Have a look at the work your friends have produced today.

Des'Arai is our star of the day. She has completed her maths work to a brilliant standard and really challenged herself with her English work. Well done!

Harley has been a star and has worked hard today. He has completed his maths, English and reading. 

Calvin has also been working hard to complete his work at home. Lovely handwriting too.

Fidel has completed all of his activities today. Brilliant work in every subject area. Well done! 

Merit has been challenging herself with tricky maths questions. Fabulous!

Bernice has been challenging herself today. She has been catching up with her fractions work and completing her English work to a high standard. Great job!

As always, Awele has been working hard at home completing her maths work as well as achieving full marks on the English quiz. 


  1. hi everyone from Harley

    1. Good morning! Did you have a nice weekend?

  2. Hi Year 3 I’m sorry I didn’t post this morning, but I got muddled with the days and thought it was Sunday. Fantastic neat work .
