Thursday, June 11, 2020

Good morning Year 3! 

I hope you all slept well and that you are a ready for another great day of home learning.

A reminder

If you haven't completed your Virtual Summer School Challenge for this week, remember you have until Friday to send me your best scores. This week is the 'Around the World' challenge. How many can you do in 1 minute? Remember prizes are up for grabs!

Who will be our star of the day?

Here are your activities: 


Today we are going to be focusing on similes. We have looked at these before in class, so I am sure you will all be experts. Turn to page 5 in the booklet.  Make up your own similes by filling in the gaps. Next, you are going to choose an animal you would like to describe. You are going to create silly similes to describe your animal. Look at the examples on page 6 to give you ideas.

Challenge: Draw your silly animal that you have just described (like the examples on page 6).


We have nearly finished our work on angles and shape. Today is lesson 14. Click on the link below and scroll down. Lesson 14 is titled 'to identify and describe symmetry in 2D shapes'. Watch the video and complete the activities. Remember to use a ruler to draw your lines. 

Challenge: Can you complete a symmetry hunt around your house. Can you find an object with 1 line of symmetry? Then 2, 3 etc.


We are going to continue reading 'Dindy and the Elephant' today. Read extract 2 and complete activity 2. Use the sentence starters to help you.


Today we are going to be learning how to draw portraits. Watch the tutorial lesson below. I would then watch it again and join in, pausing the video as you go. When you are confident, you could draw someone in your family or a friend. Perhaps you could look at a photograph to help you.

Please remember to comment below or send us an email to let us know how you are. Yesterday was our best day of home learning so far. Keep this up! Also, keep sending in your wonderful photos to 

Have a lovely day, 

Miss Kingscote

Today's reflection

Another great day of home learning. Well done for working so hard and sharing your work with us. Keep it up! Also, have a look for some of your work on the school Facebook page.

Angelina is our star of the day. She has completed a beautiful piece of work on the 7 sacraments. Lovely illustrations!

Harley has worked his socks off today. Brilliant work in every subject area. Also, have a look at Harley's 'Around the World' challenge. Fantastic!

Declan has worked hard completing his maths work and writing.
Awele has worked so hard today. She has produced lovely work. 

Fidel has been a star again today and has produced some wonderful work. 
Pam has used some lovely similes today and completed his reading work.

Maisie has worked hard at home today. Well done!

Have a look at Calvin's lava lamp


  1. Hi everyone, where has the sunshine gone? I’m going to go to get some saw dust for my guinea pigs, and then I’m going to watch Dumbo with Alice. Have a good day.

    1. Good morning! That sounds like a lovely day. I love the new Dumbo film, although it is quite sad.

  2. Good morning everyone. Harley

    1. Good morning! I hope you have a lovely day today.

  3. Hi Freya! I hope you have a great day of home learning.

  4. Another great day of work, you are fantastic year 3.
