Friday, June 12, 2020

Year 3- weekly timetable (15th-20th June)
This is a brief timetable of the work coming up next week. Each day there will be maths, English, reading and another activity. I will still post on the blog every morning explaining the activities in detail. This is just a guide to let you know what is coming up.

Talk for Writing booklet-
Lockdown poetry

Monday – ‘Eye spy’ poem

Tuesday – ‘I didn’t know I’d miss’ poem

Wednesday – ‘I wish’ poem

Thursday – Word match

Friday- Poem questions

National Oak Academy- Measurement

Monday – Multiply and divide by 10 and 100

Tuesday -  Multiply and divide by 1000

Wednesday – To read a scale 

Thursday – To read mass on a scale

Friday – To compare mass

Third activity

Monday-  PE – Gymnastics challenge 

Tuesday- Science- Shadow puppets

Wednesday- Spanish – Family

Thursday-  DT- Surprise activity, shh...

Friday- Art – Calligrams
Reading Daily

It is very important that you continue to read every day. Read your school book for at least 15 minutes.

Monday- Choose new reading books

Tuesday-  Book review   

Wednesday- Read 500 words stories

Thursday-  Read 500 words stories

Friday – Read 500 words stories
Times Tables 

Use TTRS - 10 minutes per day

Listen to Mr Searle’s songs - sing-a-long

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