Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Good morning Year 3!

We are looking forward to catching up with lots of you at 10am on zoom. Remember to make sure you have permission to join the call. Please ensure your name is visible when you join the zoom call so I can identify which child is present. Mrs Miller and I look forward to seeing you then.

Meeting ID: 833 8120 1143
Password: 5bN27m

Who will be our star of the day?

Here are your activities:

Start your day by getting your body moving with Joe Wicks. 


Today we are going to improve our jungle log by adding in some more detail. Reread your plan from yesterday to remind yourself about your jungle adventure. Complete the activities on pages 12 and 13.


Today is lesson 8 on angles and shapes. Click on the link below and scroll down. Lesson 8 is titled 'to identify and explain parallel lines'. Remember to use a ruler when drawing your lines. Watch the video and complete the activities.


Read extract 1 again from 'You're a Bad Man, Mr Gum', you could listen to Joanna Lumley reading it too, if that helps. Complete activity 1 by answering the questions.


Today we are going to be learning about Stonehenge. Click on the link below. Here there are lots of videos and information about Stonehenge. What can you find out?

You are going to make a Stonehenge model. This could be out of biscuits (like the photos below) or dominoes. If you don't have either of these, you could use card (an old cereal box). I can't wait to see them!


Remember to comment below and send in your wonderful photos to let us know how you are. We love to hear from you. Email us at

Have a lovely day, 

Miss Kingscote

Today's reflection 

It was so lovely to see so many of you on our zoom call earlier. Nice to see some smiling faces and to share what you've been up to. Also, what brilliant Disney experts you all are. If you didn't join us, that's ok, hopefully we will see you next time. Another great day of home learning today. Have a look at the photos your friends have sent in. 

Our star of the day is Aaliyah. She has been busy baking, playing outside and completing her work too. Look at that yummy shortbread! 

Declan has been working hard making a model volcano. It looks fantastic!

Fidel has completed all of his work today. What a brilliant model of Stonehenge!

Harley continues to work really hard at home. Brilliant maths, writing and a fabulous LEGO Stonehenge model. 

Maisie has been working hard at school and at home. Lovely writing today.

Great maths work from Merit today. Super!

Wonderful writing from Calvin today.

Bernice has been working hard at home. What a fantastic biscuit Stonehenge, I love it! I hope you were allowed to eat it afterwards.

Awele has worked so hard today. Fantastic writing! 


  1. Hi I am looking forward to seeing you on zoom. harley

  2. good morning i will see you on zoom Freya

  3. Hi it was great to see you on the zoom chat earlier. Keep up the great work. Mrs Miller

  4. You make Miss Kingscote and I really proud with the fantastic work you are doing at home.
    Mrs Miller

    1. SO proud! Could not have said it better myself.
