Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Good morning Year 3! 

I hope you slept well and you're ready for a fun-filled Tuesday. A reminder that we are having another Zoom catch up tomorrow at 10am. Remember to get permission to join, if you haven't already.

If you haven't completed your Virtual Summer School Challenge from yesterday, remember you have until Friday to send me your best scores. This week is the 'Around the World' challenge. I look forward to seeing how you got on.

Will you be our star of the day?

Here are your activities: 


Our next unit of writing is titled 'Lockdown creative writing'. It's a little different to the previous booklets. Today we are going to focus on page 2, '5 ways to keep yourself amused in Lockdown'. Read their funny example, you can also listen to the audio recording. Think of your 5 best ways to keep yourself entertained. Try and make it funny, if you can. 


For example:
You can train a grey hippopotamus to play violin whilst riding a unicycle. 


Today is lesson 12 on angles and shapes. Click on the link below and scroll down. Lesson 12 is titled 'to draw 2D shapes based on their properties'. Watch the video and complete the activities. Remember to use a ruler to draw your shapes.



We are going to be reading a new text called 'Dindy and the Elephant'. Listen to Ed Petrie reading extract 1 and  2 from the book, read the video transcripts afterwards. Remember to think about your expression as you read. Answer the questions below. 


Questions for extract 1: 
  • Do you know what a cobra snake is and what it looks like?
  • How do you think Pog is feeling in this extract?
  • Do you think that they will go home now?
Questions for extract 2:
  • Are you surprised about the description of the elephants?
  • Why did Nikhil not want to shout?
  • Can we shout sometimes?


We would have been learning about sacraments in R.E at the moment. Today I would like you to find out what a sacrament is.  What are the 7 sacraments? To find out the answer to this, click on the link below and watch the video. You could draw pictures to help you remember them.

Please remember to comment below or send us an email to let us know how you are. Also, keep sending in your wonderful photos to year.3@ctk.education 

Have a lovely day, 

Miss Kingscote

Today's reflection 

A great day of home learning today. Thank you for all the hard work you continue to put into your home learning. I know how difficult it is working from home and you are making us proud every day! Also, thank you to all the grown ups that are helping too. 

Tomorrow we have a zoom catch up and quiz again at 10am. Please remember to get permission, if you haven't already. Also, when you join the chat, remember to include your name so I can identify who you are. Mrs Miller and I look forward to seeing you then!

Meeting ID: 824 5978 2038

Password: 5vit0d

Ayla is our star of the day.  She has been trying hard with her maths work and persevering when she finds it tricky. Also, yesterday was her birthday. Happy Birthday, Ayla! We hope you had a lovely day. 

Pam has been working hard at home.

Merit has been challenging herself at home. 
Calvin has worked hard completing his maths and English today.
Fidel has produced brilliant work today. I love the idea of a secret door to a different dimension. You are such a star!
Maisie has been working hard completing her activities at home and school. Fabulous effort, Maisie! 
Lovely work from Harley today. Always putting in 100%. Well done!



  1. Good morning everyone from Harley

  2. Morning I’m sat in the sunshine waiting for my car while it is at the garage. Have a great day. Mrs Miller

  3. Happy birthday for yesterday Ayla. Hope you had a good day.
    Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow.
