I hope you slept well and that you are ready for another great day of home learning.
A new challenge:
I am very excited to announce a new P.E challenge called 'The Virtual Summer School Games'. Every week a new 60 second challenge is released. Your job is to practise the challenge as much as you can until you achieve your best score. This weeks challenge is called Speed Bounces. The video explains what you have to do. How many bounces can you do in 1 minute?
All you need to do is tell me your score. For example, 90 jumps. Also, if you would like you can send in photos and videos of you completing the challenge (completely optional).
Please ask your grown ups to give permission to share your score as well as any photos or videos you wish to share. I will then upload your scores to the website and you will be entered into the competition. There are prizes to be won for interesting photos and videos and also the most active school. You will receive a personal best certificate each time you take part. Every week there will be a new 60 second challenge. We will be looking out for important values in the challenges you take part in, these are passion, determination, self-belief, respect and honesty.
I hope you're keen to get involved. I will also be completing the challenge each week. Can you beat my score? This week, you have until tomorrow to send me your speed bounce scores.
Below is the website link which will tell you more.
Here are your activities:
Today we are going to write our jungle log using our plan from Wednesday. Use page 14 to help you. If you have already written your jungle log, today is a chance to publish your work. Use your improved sentences from yesterday to add detail and think how you might improve your writing. Then, you can write your jungle log in your best writing and illustrate the front cover.

Today is lesson 9 on angles and shapes. Click on the link below and scroll down. Lesson 9 is titled 'to revise parallel and perpendicular lines'. Remember to use a ruler when drawing your lines. Watch the video and complete the activities.
Read extract 2 from 'You're a Bad Man, Mr Gum', you could listen to Joanna Lumley reading it too, if that helps. Complete activity 2 by answering the questions.

This time can be a very worrying time for us all. Our school routine is different, we miss our friends and we understand that a lot of you will feel worried sometimes and that is very normal and OK.
Worries pop into our heads all the
time. Everybody worries about things
nearly every day. Write
down any worries you have had this week. Out of 10, how much do you believe them to be true?
Now, we are going to listen to a story called 'Ruby finds a worry'. Click on the link below to listen.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCyiiHI2SJUWhat can we learn from Ruby? What could we do if we feel worried?

Remember to comment below and send in your wonderful photos to let us know how you are. We love to hear from you. Email us at year.3@ctk.education
Who will be our star of the day?

Have a lovely day,
Miss Kingscote
Today's reflection
Another brilliant day of home learning today. You are super! Thank you for sharing your wonderful work and also for sharing your worries. It is good to share the things we are worried about, it helps us to talk about our feelings and support each other. Remember to practise your speed bounces and let me know how many bounces you achieved in 1 minute. Get bouncing!
Freya is our star of the day. She has been working so hard on her maths work. She has persevered even when she found it challenging. Also, her presentation is fabulous!

Calvin has worked so hard today. He has completed his maths, PSHE and reading. Great work! He has also taken the time to ask how I am today, which is incredibly thoughtful. Thank you, Calvin.

Fidel has continued to work his socks off at home. What a super star! Another day of fantastic writing and maths. Also, thank you for sharing your worries with us. I hope Ruby's story helped to understand that sharing our worries can help us to feel better.

Harley has also continued to work hard at home. He has been enjoying his maths work at home and is noticing a big improvement in his scores as he is trying so hard. Well done! Yes, I am pleased that you know you can ALWAYS speak to me if you have any worries. I will always be here to listen.

Maisie has worked hard at home today. She has written a brilliant jungle log and completed some wonderful maths work. Go Maisie!

Hi everyone from Harley
ReplyDeleteGood morning. How are you?
ReplyDeleteMorning I hope you are all okay. I’m going to go out for a walk and when I come back I’m going to watch new The Lion King DVD with Alice.
ReplyDeleteHave a great day. Mrs Miller
That sounds lovely. Enjoy!
Deletegood morning have a good day Freya
ReplyDeleteHello Freya. I hope you're having a good day.
DeleteWhat brilliant jungle logs, and your writing is really neat and you are trying really hard to join your letters. Mrs Miller
ReplyDeleteFrom ber nice I will give you my work any time now